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Welcoming the team

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The  'Systemic English' team, made up of two-year students and teachers from the Aldini-Valeriani Institute. Standing from left: Matteo Cantelli, Enea Barattini, Stefan Arcov, Alexander Obina, Vincenzo Giambanco, Prof. Sabina Magagnoli, Ahmad Alshole. Bottom From Left: Massimiliano Tinti, Samuele Folesani, Prof. Sara Pisani, Matteo Galletti, Celeste Ramponi, Mattia Calzolari, Alberto Sodo Grasso, Jin Le Hu. Michelangelo Minelli is not present because he joined the  group from the second day.

On the first morning of the Systemic English Project "Aldini-Valeriani 2021 Open Schools" the teachers and students met in the school premises in via Sario Bassanelli, 9/11 in Bologna, and then went outside the school to carry out the activities didactic. Before leaving, while the school bar was preparing snacks to take away, the students did a written and oral ice-breaking activity in the meeting room A of the institute.

The text of the proposed activity is in the materials section.

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